Latest News - Lavender Cycling Trail
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Lavender Cycling Trail Gets A Boost With Download-able PDF Maps

Don’t have a GPS or other mapping services? Read On – we have a solution.

Early on the South Australian Recreation Trails Inc (SARTI) Board – the developers of the Lavender Cycling Trail (LCT) recognised that not all cyclists had the same equipment, skills and experience as the original first pioneers of the trail.

Not everyone is equiped with a GPS or other nav system on thier bikes.

The first initiative was to physically mark the LCT and with a major effort and generous funding this was completed a year ago – February 2024.
The total volunteer contribution over those 18 months was 2,330 hours.
You can read about that great project on a previous post here “Completion of the Lavender Cycling Trail Signage for Navigation Project

SARTI has now gone ‘next level’ developing Printable PDF maps that can be downloaded from the website. This makes the trail much more inclusive, even to children wishing to join in on the trail.

The project is half way there with the first 5 maps done! With funding having been gained from the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing (ORSR) and the Barossa Council and the maps developed and now online.

So if you are interested in having Printable PDF maps of the Lavender Cycling Trail please head on over to the SARTI web Shop and download them from there. Click the Button Below.

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Completion of the Lavender Cycling Trail Signage for Navigation Project

In 2023 South Australian Recreation Trails Incorporated (SARTI) embarked on a project to provide signage along the full 300 kilometre length of the Lavender Cycling Trail between Murray Bridge and Clare.

We are proud to announce that with the help of grants from the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing (ORSR), the Mid Murray Council and the Rural City of Murray Bridge this project has now been completed.

Lavender Cycling Trail - Working bee - volunteers paint the wooden blocks
Lavender Cycling Trail – Working bee – volunteers paint the wooden blocks
Lavender Cycling Trail - Working bee - volunteer attach totems to wooden blocks
Lavender Cycling Trail – Working bee – volunteer attach totems to wooden blocks

Between 1 July 2023 and 1 December 2024, SARTI organized over 50 trail-marking volunteers into teams of between two and twelve to work on the project travelling from south to north.

LCT Volunteer David Peter attaching a signed wooden block to a star dropper
LCT Volunteer David Peter attaching a signed wooden block to a star dropper

In addition to this, volunteers were able to assist by attending working bees to prepare materials in our home base at Wynn Vale.

The total volunteer contribution over these 18 months was 2,330 hours.

LCT Volunteers pose behind the last post of the project on Fendlers Road near Tungkillo
LCT Volunteers pose behind the last post of the project on Fendlers Road near Tungkillo

Beside the way-marking, another aspect that has contributed to improved navigation along the trail has been the updating of three Lavender Federation Walking Trail heads at Springton, Eden Valley and Monarto to include information about the Lavender Cycling Trail.

Lavender Cycling Trail - The new trailhead at Monarto Recreation Reserve
Lavender Cycling Trail – The new trailhead at Monarto Recreation Reserve

To help us get more accurate feedback about how much the trail is being used, two trackers have been installed – one in the Murray Bridge region and another in the Clare region.

Finally, with the help of the ORSR grant we were able to install a picnic table at the Old Rockleigh Schoolhouse. This has improved the amenity of a very popular stopping and camping place along the trail.

Lavender Cycling Trail riders enjoy the new picnic table at Old Rockleigh Schoolhouse
Lavender Cycling Trail riders enjoy the new picnic table at Old Rockleigh Schoolhouse

All of the initiatives completed under this project have encouraged increased participation and confidence in the Lavender Cycling Trail as well as enhancing safety and enjoyment.

Our records show that for the year 2024, 762 cyclists enjoyed participating in known organized day events along the Lavender Cycling Trail.

In addition to this our tracker placed 10 kilometres from Murray Bridge indicates an average of 278 users of the Lavender Trails per month (3,336 users per year) half of which we estimate are cyclists.

Latest News Warnings

Perscribed Burn: North of Watervale where the Riesling Trail meets Solly Hill Road – Thu 21 Nov 2024.

Hello Lavender Cycling Trail (LCT) people,
Perscribed Burn: Immediately north of Watervale where the Riesling Trail meets Solly Hill Road.

Thursday 21 Nov 2024 from 1230 – 1700 hrs.

Please note the Department for Environment and Water will be conducting a prescribed burn on the Riesling Trail this Thursday 21 Nov from 1230 – 1700 hrs.

This section also forms part of the Lavender and Mawson Trails.

The location is immediately north of Watervale where the Riesling Trail meets Solly Hill road. (see map).

1124 Ops Map - Prescribed burn adjacent the Riesling Trail 21 Nov 2024
1124 Ops Map – Prescribed burn adjacent the Riesling Trail 21 Nov 2024

Walkers & riders will be diverted around the burn site via Sollys Hill road and Mt Horrocks road for the duration of the burn.

Any questions / issues please contact:
Joe Tilley AFSM,
Fire Management Officer.
Yorke and Mid North | National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia.
Department for Environment and Water
P (08) 8841 3405 | M 0419 803 918
155 Main North Road, Clare SA 5453 |
South Australian Government Department for Environment and Water.

Latest News

Come to our 10th Anniversary Celebs at Eudunda, Dutton & Truro 7th & 8th Sept 2024 Various Walks & Rides.

Two great rides have been organised for the event.
Saturday riders go north on Inspiration Point Loop Trail,
Sunday riders go south on Southern Ridge Loop Trail.

Got a Trike? We have a few coming too.

You can get more information on the SARTI website event page.

There are even more things to do, Walks, Bus tours and more, Plus there is a market on all morning for food and drinks for those that might just come with you for the drive.

Latest News Warnings

Trail CAUTION – Federation Ultra Trail 2024 – Monarto To Murray Bridge – Sunday August 11th 2024

Please be aware that this event is on:

Sunday August 11th 2024 will see the 7th running of the Federation Ultra Trail, with Ultra 54km – Mid 26km – Short 10km – Zoo 5km – Relay Teams

Caution advised if in area, increased activity & traffic.

The course traverses or loops from the southern end of the Lavender/Federation Trail from Monarto Safari Park to the riverside trail head at Sturt Reserve in Murray Bridge.

All Zoo 5km, Short (10km), Mid course (26km), and Ultra course (54km) runners and all relay team members are treated to exclusive access to Monarto Safari Parks walking trails that allow them glimpses of roaming Wild African animals including Meerkats, Giraffe, Bison, Chimpanzees, Lions and Rhinos. Proceeds from the event have raised in excess of $30,000 Since 2018, donated to Monarto Safari Park to help protect endangered species.

Latest News Warnings

Webb Gap area CLOSED from 28 May to 2 June 2024

Cyclists and Walkers are advised that the Lavender Trails will be closed in the Webb Gap area from 28 May to 2 June 2024 due to a Feral Animal Control Shooting Program.

Webb Gap area CLOSED from 28 May to 2 June 2024
Webb Gap area CLOSED from 28 May to 2 June 2024
Latest News Warnings

Murray Bridge Trail Start-End Modification To Avoid Issues

In recent times with closed levee banks due to the previous flooding of the River Murray and 3 corner jacks, the first or last 5 kilometres of the Lavender Cycling Trail near Murray Bridge have become problematic.

Please follow this alternative route to avoid these issues.

Latest News Warnings


Please take care if you are out and about, currently multiple areas in South Australia are either flooding or under flood warning.

For our trail anyone in the Clare to Truro area should take care.

DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ENTER FLOOD WATER. If possible avoid areas that have warnings in place. If you are out and about, keep in contact with family or friends.

Listen to local radio, talk with locals who have knowledge, and follow CFS & SES Warnings.

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Eudunda Southern Ridge Loop Trail

The Uncool Cycling Club run by Helen Dominish, Cycling Blogger and Co-Founders of the Lavender Cycling Trail (See acknowledgement of this group) has developed another cycling trail, this time to the South of Eudunda.

Helen has named this one the ‘Eudunda Southern Ridge Loop Trail‘ and some of her friends from the Uncool Cycling Club got to enjoy the first public outing of the 31 kilometre loop trail back last August.

The trail is mostly gravel, some clay, some moderate uphill and downhill, quiet backroads, great views and some historic areas to visit.

Check out the great writeup on:
The Uncool Cycling Club

Eudunda is only a short tip from Adelaide, a safe 1.5 hours drive, so a fantastic day out for you.

If you are thinking of making a weekend of the ride, consider staying in the area, as Hotels, Motel, B&B’s and the Caravan Park make this option possible. This would give you the chance to enjoy the area’s second great riding loop trail ‘Eudunda To Inspiration Point Loop Trail‘ (also developed by Helen).

Not only is ‘Inspirational Point’ one of the focal locations of the top of the range you are riding along, worth a visit just for the views, but the ride is fairly friendly and you will enjoy the back roads, with great views for much of the 54 kilometer ride.

Photo thanks to Helen Dominish

Latest News

Eudunda To Inspiration Point Loop Cycling Trail

Helen Dominish, one of the state’s inspirational cycling bloggers and Co-Founders of the Lavender Cycling Trail (See acknowledgement of this group) has continued to be busy all over SA. Helen asked us to highlight this new trail – the ‘Eudunda Inspiration Point Loop‘ as one of the trails she has really enjoyed pioneering.

Not only is ‘Inspirational Point’ one of the focal locations of the top of the range you are riding along, worth a visit just for the views, but the ride is fairly friendly and you will enjoy the back roads, with great views for much of the 54 kilometer ride.

Check out the great writeup on:
The Uncool Cycling Club

Photo thanks to Helen Dominish