Hello Lavender Cycling Trail (LCT) people,
Perscribed Burn: Immediately north of Watervale where the Riesling Trail meets Solly Hill Road.
Thursday 21 Nov 2024 from 1230 – 1700 hrs.
Please note the Department for Environment and Water will be conducting a prescribed burn on the Riesling Trail this Thursday 21 Nov from 1230 – 1700 hrs.
This section also forms part of the Lavender and Mawson Trails.
The location is immediately north of Watervale where the Riesling Trail meets Solly Hill road. (see map).

Walkers & riders will be diverted around the burn site via Sollys Hill road and Mt Horrocks road for the duration of the burn.
Any questions / issues please contact:
Joe Tilley AFSM,
Fire Management Officer.
Yorke and Mid North | National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia.
Department for Environment and Water
P (08) 8841 3405 | M 0419 803 918
155 Main North Road, Clare SA 5453
environment.sa.gov.au | parks.sa.gov.au
South Australian Government Department for Environment and Water.