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Another M2C Milestone Achieved – First Group E2E – S2N

This group didn’t set out to achieve an M2C Milestone, and it would have gone unclaimed if it had not been for them posting on the

“Just finished our first bike packing trip from Murray to Clare. Massive shout out to Pat Quick for organising the overnight stay, dinner and brekky at the Manoora Oval. Definitely what we needed after a few days of banging against the 40km/h wind. Would highly recommend!” Cheers Alain

They camped at Mount Pleasant Caravan Park, Eudunda Caravan Park and Manoora (see above).

Check out the other M2C Milestones

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Clare Valley Wine & Wilderness Trail – 24th Apr 2021 – Opening Stage 1

Highlighting the Premium, Wine, Food and Natural Landscapes of the stunning Clare Valley on over 100km of new hiking and cycling trails.

Clare Valley Wine and Wilderness Trail – Stage 1 Opening 24th April 2021

Please join us at 9.30am on the 24th of April 2021 to hike or cycle stage 1 of the trial, from the Clare Valley Wine, Food & Tourism Centre to Jim Barry Cellar Door, a distance of approximately 20km.

The trail will be officially launched by the Premier, the Hon Steven Marshall and our patron, Mrs Janet Angas, who has kindly allowed hikers access along the ridge top of Dunn’s Range where the trail passes through Hill River Station.

Morning tea will be available for hikers en route at the Hill River Station conservatory atop Dunn’s Range at the 6.5km mark.

As we anticipate a large crowd of eager hikers & cyclists on the day, we ask that those planning to attend to please complete the free registration / ticket process using the form on thier website.


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Great Cover By “La Velocita” Of M2C

The news did not take long to filter through the local cycling community that the well respected Australian Cycling Website “LA VELOCITA” team had ridden the new Lavender Cycling Trail – Murray to Clare (M2C) in a whirlwind 2 day tour.

What can you say when you read a title like this, from James Raison


Check out thier website article to read about thier experience. Great Story and Photos – well done to James Raison on sharing thier story with us.

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M2C Trail Builders Acknowledged For Work

Saturday 12th September 2020 was a big day for cycling, the official opening of the Callington to Murray Bridge Spur Trail.

It turned out to be a magnificent day for both walkers and riders to come enjoy this multi-use trail.

At the official opening five special people were also recognised for their work in developing the new Lavender Cycling Trail – Murray Bridge to Clare (M2C).

Each received a Certificate of Achievement at the Opening in recognition of their contribution to the development of the Murray to Clare (M2C) Lavender Cycling Trail, a 300 kilometre cycling route inspired by the Lavender Federation Walking Trail.

From all of us benefiting from the M2C – a big “Thank You” to each of you.

Also a big hurrah to the Murray Bridge Council and the South Australian Recreation Trails Inc Board (SARTI) for the great day they put on at the opening of this new cycle trail, the Callington Spur Trail, which incidentally has been developed in cooperation with both walkers and cyclists.

L-R: Gillian Stevens, George Adams, Cam Rungie, Kay Haarsma and Helen Dominish.

Photo supplied by Derek Dominish.

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Lavender Cycling Trail Website Launched Today

The South Australian Recreation Trails Inc are proud to release this new website, to celebrate the work of one of our volunteer groups who have made a fabulous 300km cycling trail to closely follow in the footsteps of the existing Lavender Federation Trail, which was developed for walkers.

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Callington Spur Opening to Excite Riders

Public Invitation:

Callington Spur Trail,
Murray Bridge to Callington,
Trail Opening Ceremony
Saturday 12th September at 10am,
Linear Park, Adelaide Road, Murray Bridge.
Adjacent to Truck Drivers Memorial.

The Callington Spur Trail is a joint project of South Australian Recreation Trails Inc. (SARTI) and the Rural City of Murray Bridge.

The trail is a linear walking and mountain bike trail of 27km.

SARTI and RCMB invite you to attend the celebration of the completion of the Callington Spur Trail commenced in 2019 and completed in early 2020.

The event will be enhanced with displays and information from the walking community and promoters of healthy life-styles.

10.00am; Assemble adjacent to the Truck Drivers Memorial.
10:00am; Trail introduction and formal Opening by Mayor Brenton Lewis.
10.20am; Refreshments available.
10.30am; Walk or Mountain Bike on the trail (your choice).

All are welcome, bring your friends and family.

COVID restrictions and guidelines that exist at the time will be strictly adhered to.

For more information have a look at the Footsteps Newsletter on the Lavender Federation Trail website.
Brochures and maps will be available at this event and from the Visitor Information Centre, 3 South Tce, Murray Bridge.

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Test Trial Rides For New Trial

Keen cyclists and trail builders Helen Dominish and George Adams brought a group of friends along to test the main (as yet unnamed trail) to see if it was viable and worth riding.

George Adams had been deeply involved in the planning and construction of the Lavender Federation Trail (LFT) so was able to see the great potential of a cycling trail that closely followed that trail.

From early on it was realised that the cycling trail would not be a full duplication of the LFT as that was designed with walkers in mind, it was going into farmland and private properties, it had stiles and narrow paths not suited to cycling (well for most anyway).

So George & Helen and thier crew set about finding nice back-roads to skirt any of the spots that went into private land. They found plenty of great alternatives and were also able to follow the same ethos of the LFT, of bringing people into to the townships along the way (or as close as possible), so the local folks had the opportunity to gain some extra customers and riders to find rest and supplies.

The final verdict for whether they should build the trail was a resounding “YES!” and comments such as “Let’s build it, so everyone can enjoy the ride and fantastic scenery”