Between Eudunda and Truro, the Murray to Clare Lavender Cycling Trail (M2C) flattens out to cross drier wheat and sheep farming country. Coming after some challenging climbs between Clare and Eudunda (if you are travelling north to south), it’s a relaxing and popular section of the trail.
Eudunda to Neales Flat (12 km)
Leaving Eudunda, the first twelve kilometres to Neales Flat are easy riding, with gentle undulations and open farmland.

At Neales Flat, you can see the old schoolhouse, built in 1874 by German settlers.

Out the back of the Lutheran church nearby, there are some beautiful, German language headstones.

Neales Flat to Dutton (22 km)
As you continue on to the village of Dutton, the country is dry and open and dotted with the ruins of old stone farmhouses.

The small village of Dutton is picturesque and features some pretty stone cottages,

and another old Lutheran school house, built in 1876.

This unusual bell tower, built in 1891, contains a couple of bells which the congregation imported from Germany.

Dutton to Truro (7 km)
Between Dutton and Truro, the Dutton Mail Road is straight, but pretty, especially in spring before the haystacks are stored.

When you arrive in Truro, you have access to all the facilities of a small highway town.

Food, Accommodation and Camping
For accommodation suggestions for this section of the M2C Lavender Cycling Trail, see the Lavender Trail Accommodation Page, Maps 3 and 4. In addition to this, you could try Angels Rest Bed and Breakfast in Truro.
If you are caravanning or camping, The Eudunda Caravan Park is a great option, modern facilities, plus washer and dryer, and also has a Free Camp Area for those on a tight budget and an RV Dump.
Footside Farm a kilometer from the M2C, barn style sleeping space for up to 15 people.
Footside Farm grow native plants for harvesting and produce some products from them. Catering options range from self catering to fully catered country style with the option of featuring native foods.
You might also like to consider Wombat Flat, only one kilometre from the M2C near Neales Flat. Please phone ahead to check for availability.
The Barn at Wombat Flat attracts fantastic singers for their monthly concerts (things are a little difficult at the moment due to covid), but you might just time your ride to have a great nights entertainment and be able to camp onsite.
Eudunda: Food can be found at the Eudunda Bakery and Foodland open seven days per week. Other food outlets are Good Karma Cafe, Kooky’s Kafe and Katering open at various times
Truro: Sunrise Bakery, Weighbridge Motel, Cafe & Takeaway Truro, and also a Pie Face outlet at the petrol station all are open seven days per week.
Public Toilets
Public toilets are available at Eudunda (3) and Truro (1). In addition to this, there is access to the congregational toilets behind the Church at Neales Flat.
Summary of M2C ride from Waterloo to Eudunda
The full map of the Murray to Clare Cycling Trail is available here. However, for ease of reference this section from Eudunda to Truro is shown below:
Read More:
For further information about this section of the trail, see Day 3 of Helen’s eBike Adventure on the M2C.
For information about the next section of the trail:-
Heading North: see the Waterloo to Eudunda page.
Heading South: see the Truro to Eden Valley page.
If you would like to provide feedback about the trail, please contact us by using the Contact Page. We will respond to you as soon as possible.